Our Cromane Bay Oysters are grown in the clear waters of Cromane Peninsula in Castlemaine Harbour, Co. Kerry in the south-west of Ireland. Cromane has a strong maritime history with Mussels and Oysters cultivated for over a century.
The combination of the wild Atlantic tides and the fresh water from the Maine, Laune and Caragh rivers provide the perfect conditions for a growing Oyster. These rivers carry most of the rainfall and nutrients from the famous MacGillycuddy Reeks, Ireland’s highest mountain range to give our Oysters that fresh, nutrient enriched flavour.
Our idyllic seaside haven provides the perfect growing conditions to ensure our Cromane Bay Oyster is plump with meat and full to the brim of delicious liquid that fills its deep shell. The taste of an Oyster is much like wine, the environment will influence its unique flavour. Our Oysters have a famed merroir of sweet, creamy taste that only comes from a Cromane Bay Oyster, rocked by the sea and kissed by the river.
Our Oysters are traditionally grown using trestles and mesh bags. Oyster seed is sorted by size and assigned to its mesh growing bag. It is then transferred to our Oyster Farm and placed on trestles high in the water. This allows our Oysters to breathe at low tide and soak up some delicious sunlight.
Throughout the growing season, May to October, our Oyster bags are shaken and turned twice a month. The Oysters are taken ashore during the season, graded and bagged in lower numbers as they increase in size. This ensures our Oysters have room to grow to their full potential. It takes at least two years to grow a Cromane Bay Oyster ready for purification and eating.
When the Oyster is full grown, they are harvested and graded by hand to the size requirement of the market and shipped to our customers. The smaller Oysters are returned to the sea to mature.
What Our Customers Say
We love hearing from our customers and work hard to build long lasting client relationships.
“We have been working with Patrick and his team at Cromane Bay Shellfish for many years and have always found that their focus on quality produces beautiful , meaty and delicious oysters. They are easy to work with, open and friendly. As both customers of, and suppliers to Triskell Seafood they are a pleasure to do business with.
“Company Reseau Mer we affirm that the quality and consistancy of Cromane Bay Shellfish Oysters is perfect and that is why it is always a pleasure to work with Cromane Bay Shellfish.
All the team from Reseau Mer
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